Ukrainians, Albanians & Russians Were Refused Entry to EU the Most in 2022


The number of non-EU citizens refused entry to the EU reached 141,060 in 2022, and Ukrainian nationals represented the most affected nationality as almost 21 per cent (28,890) of all refusals were made to this nationality group.

According to the European Office for Statistics, Eurostat, the second and third nationality groups that have experienced the most refusals are Albanians and Russians, with 15,630 and 10,860 refusals, respectively, while altogether, refusals to these three nationality groups represent 40 per cent of the total recorded in 2022, reports.

The main reasons for refusing entry to Ukrainian nationals were extended stay in the zone; more specifically, 27 per cent of refusals were made under claims that a person stayed three months in a six-month period, while another 21 per cent were subject to having no valid visa or residence permits. Additionally, 20 per cent of refusals made to Ukrainian nationals were due to a lack of justifying purpose and conditions of staying in the zone.

Similarly to the previous year, Ukrainian nationals remain subject to refused entry to the EU, the same as Albanians have. Last year, the top three nationalities that experienced the most refusals were Ukrainians, Algerians and Albanians, in the correct order, while this year, Albanians have moved up a place, and Russians have entered the top three list.

Some of the most common reasons why third-country nationals are denied entry to the EU include security risks, such as possible threats to public order and health, in addition to international relations and homeland security.

Last year, Baltic countries announced they would stop granting refugee status to Russian citizens fleeing the mobilisation of troops. According to Urmas Reinsalu, the Foreign Minister of Estonia, the refusal to fulfil the civic duty of Russia doesn’t represent sufficient groups to receive protection in Estonia or any other country. Similarly, Latvia pointed out that it would put a halt to issuing humanitarian or other types of visas to Russian citizens due to security reasons.

Additionally, countries where the largest number of refusals were recorded throughout 2022, consist of Poland and Hungary, with 23,330 and 15,780 of all refusals, respectively, being recorded here. About 42 per cent of all refusals, representing 60,150 denied entries, were recorded in four main countries, Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Ireland.

Generally, the number of non-EU citizens refused entry to the zone rose by one per cent in 2022 – up from 139,000 recorded in the previous year. In 2022, 1.08 million non-EU citizens were found to be illegally residing in the EU zone. In addition, 96,795 were ordered to return to another EU country and of this, 77,530 were returned outside the EU, most likely to their home country. As per those ordered to leave, 422,400 people were subject to such an order in 2022.

>> Rights of Ukrainian Refugees in the EU Explained – Residence, Education, Work & More


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