Biden setting stage for pardoning Hunter


President Biden may be planning to pardon his son Hunter if he faces criminal charges from a federal investigation. However, some analysts say Biden is trying to create sympathy for his son and portray him as a victim of a political witch hunt.

The Federal Investigation

Hunter Biden is under investigation by the Department of Justice for possible tax and gun-related violations. The probe stems from his overseas business dealings, especially in Ukraine and China. He has denied any wrongdoing and said he is confident he will be cleared.

The investigation has been going on for years, but it became public in December 2020, just before Biden took office. Since then, Hunter’s lawyers have met with DOJ officials several times to discuss the case. Sources say the U.S. Attorney in charge of the probe, David Weiss, is close to deciding whether to indict Hunter.

The Presidential Response

Biden has repeatedly defended his son and said he trusts him. He has also tried to distance himself from Hunter’s business activities and claimed he had no involvement or knowledge of them. He has accused his political opponents of using Hunter as a weapon to attack him and his administration.

In a rare sit-down interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on May 6, 2023, Biden addressed the possibility of his son facing charges and said it would have no impact on his presidency. He said he was proud of Hunter for overcoming his drug addiction and personal tragedies.

The Pardon Scenario

Some commentators, such as Fox News contributor Miranda Devine, have suggested that Biden is setting the stage for pardoning his son if he is indicted. Devine said Biden is playing on his image as a loving family man who has suffered enough losses in his life. She said Biden might use his lame duck period to pardon Hunter and hope Americans will forgive him.

However, pardoning Hunter could backfire on Biden and damage his reputation and legacy. It could be seen as an abuse of power and a corruption cover-up. It could also anger the DOJ officials working on the case for years. Finally, it could also fuel the criticism of Biden’s opponents, who accuse him of being soft on China and Ukraine.


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