EU must ‘match expectations’ of Ukraine’s membership ambitions – Metsola


European Parliament President Roberta Metsola spoke to Euronews in Strasbourg on Europe Day.

The European Union needs to match the expectations of Ukraine’s accession aspirations by making sure the right help is given, while also ensuring that the right questions are asked of the embattled country, according to Metsola.

“Once we have that political will, then from our side, the European Union, needs to match the expectations with proper tasks,” she told Euronews.

“That means asking the questions that have to be asked, making sure that help is given and step-by-step reach that goal.”

The Maltese politician, who spoke on Europe Day, added that people and the economy must be supported when it comes to the impacts of the war in Ukraine.

“Where are we today? We are looking at a situation where inflation is extremely high, where interest rates have been hiked up, where values have been wiped off housing, pensions, assets, values, businesses, and companies.

“Families are looking at us saying : I do not have the money to pay my bills at the end of the month. This is where we need to respond. 

“And that is why how we cushion the social and economic impact of what I would say is a poly-crisis would be the test that we have to put [sic] ourselves.”

Metsola was also asked about the EU’s credibility when it comes to the cash-for-influence scandal that has rocked the European Parliament, saying that reforms she has proposed to the way MEPs operate are underway, despite criticism of them being watered down. 

“At the moment we are undergoing a series of very difficult…because change is never easy, reforms. Some of an immediate nature, some will take a little bit more time to be implemented before the start of the next mandate. In other words, next year after this legislative term comes to an end,” she told Euronews.

“And I will do my very best until the end of the mandate to make sure that all the measures and the results that we have taken are measured in response to the difficulties that we have faced over the last months.”


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