Gov. Abbott takes action to secure US-Mexico border ahead of Title 42 expiration


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has taken action to secure the US-Mexico border ahead of the expiration of Title 42, a public health order that allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Abbott has deployed more state troopers, National Guard members, and barbed wire to deter and prevent illegal crossings, as he blames President Biden for creating a border crisis.

What is Title 42, and why is it expiring?

Title 42 is a section of the US Code that gives the federal government the authority to suspend the entry of certain persons or groups of persons into the US for public health reasons. Former President Trump invoked it in March 2020 in response to the coronavirus outbreak. It it has been used to expel hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly from Central America, who have crossed the border without authorization.

According to the Biden administration, title 42 is set to expire on Thursday, May 11, which has faced pressure from human rights groups and some Democrats to end the policy. The administration has argued that Title 42 is necessary to protect the health and safety of migrants and border agents amid the pandemic but has also said that it is working to create a more humane and orderly immigration system.

The expiration of Title 42 is expected to lead to a surge of migrants seeking asylum or protection in the US, as they will no longer be subject to immediate removal. However, the administration has said that it will continue to enforce immigration laws and prioritize processing unaccompanied children, families, and vulnerable individuals.

What has Gov. Abbott done to secure the border?

Gov. Abbott has accused President Biden of creating a border crisis by reversing some of Trump’s policies, such as halting border wall construction, ending the Remain in Mexico program, and limiting ICE arrests. He has also criticized the administration for failing to assist Texas and other border states in dealing with the influx of migrants and the humanitarian challenges they pose.

Gov. Abbott has launched Operation Lone Star, a state-led initiative that involves deploying more than 1,000 state troopers and hundreds of National Guard members to assist CBP and ICE agents in securing the border and arresting smugglers and criminals. He has also authorized barbed wire and other barriers to close gaps in the border fence and deter migrants from crossing.

On Monday, Gov. Abbott shared a video on Twitter showing that border officials in Brownsville had installed barbed wiring across a gap in the border where migrants had been crossing in large numbers. He said that this was one thing Texas did to secure the border and that more actions would come.

Gov. Abbott has also announced that he will send an elite unit of the National Guard called the Texas Tactical Border Force to El Paso and other hot spots along the border to intercept, repel and turn back migrants. He said this was a response to President Biden’s “reckless decision” to end Title 42 and lay down a “welcome mat” for the entire world.

What are the implications of Gov. Abbott’s actions?

Gov. Abbott’s actions have drawn praise from some Republicans and conservatives who share his views on immigration and border security. However, they have also drawn criticism from some Democrats and liberals who accuse him of politicizing the issue and violating human rights.

Gov. Abbott’s actions could have legal and financial consequences, as he may face lawsuits or challenges from the federal government or other parties over his authority or use of funds. He may also face logistical and operational challenges, as he may not have enough resources or coordination with federal agencies to manage the border situation effectively.

Gov. Abbott’s actions could also have social and humanitarian consequences, as they may affect the lives and well-being of migrants and local communities along the border. They may also affect the relations and cooperation with Mexico and other countries in Central America, which are key partners in addressing the root causes and solutions for migration.


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