Mexico President to Discuss Migration Crisis with Biden


Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he would talk with US President Joe Biden on Tuesday. They will talk about the migration crisis and the fentanyl problem. They will also talk about development programs to help reduce migration.Mexico President to Discuss Migration Crisis with Biden

The Migration Challenge and The Border Policy

The migration crisis has been a big challenge for both countries. Thousands of migrants from different countries have tried to reach the US. They want a better life. Instead, many have faced bad conditions, violence, and exploitation.

The US has used a public health order to expel most migrants. It is called Title 42. It is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The order has been in place since March 2020. It will end on Wednesday, November 10.

Mexico has agreed to accept some of the expelled migrants. They are from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle. The Northern Triangle is Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. But Mexico has also expressed concern about the impact of the policy. It puts pressure on its border regions.

Lopez Obrador said he would discuss a “humanitarian solution with Biden.” He also appealed to migrants not to use smugglers or “coyotes.” He said they put them at risk. “Don’t allow yourselves to be fooled,” he said. “Don’t allow yourselves to be blackmailed by coyotes, smugglers, who put you at risk.”

The Fentanyl Problem and The Drug Cartels

The fentanyl problem has been another source of tension. The synthetic opioid has caused many overdose deaths in the US. Most of the fentanyl comes from Mexico. Drug cartels produce it with chemicals from China.

The US has urged Mexico to do more to stop the fentanyl trade. It wants Mexico to extradite drug bosses to the US. Mexico has said it is doing its best to fight the drug cartels. But it also needs more help from the US and China.

Lopez Obrador said he would discuss a “joint strategy with Biden.” He also denied that drug cartels make fentanyl in Mexico. But he acknowledged that chemicals and fentanyl are smuggled into Mexico from China. However, he said China has denied any role in the fentanyl trade.

The Development Programs and The Cooperation

The development programs have been a positive aspect of the relationship. Both countries have agreed to invest in Central America and southern Mexico projects. The goal is to address the causes of migration, such as poverty, violence, and corruption.

The US has pledged $4 billion for development programs in Central America. Mexico has offered $100 million for tree-planting and job-creation programs in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Both countries have also supported regional integration initiatives.

Lopez Obrador said he would discuss a “common vision” for development programs with Biden. He also praised Biden for his “respectful” treatment of Mexico and his cooperation on various issues. He hoped to have a “good conversation” with Biden on Tuesday.


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