Transgender Lawmaker in Minnesota Seeks to Remove Anti-Pedophilia Clause from Bill

A Controversial Amendment

Transgender lawmaker in Minnesota seeks to remove anti-pedophilia clause from bill that prevented pedophilia from being classified as a sexual orientation.

Leigh Finke, who became the first transgender legislator in the Minnesota House. After winning the seat for District 66A in November 2022. Proposed an amendment to HF 1655. This bill aims to protect LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy.

The bill defines conversion therapy as “any practice or treatment that seeks to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same gender.”

The bill also includes a clause that states: “Sexual orientation does not include sexual attachment to children.”

Finke’s amendment seeks to remove this clause, arguing it is unnecessary and stigmatizing.

A Dangerous Implication

Finke’s amendment has sparked outrage and criticism. Who fear it could open the door for pedophilia to be recognized and protected as a sexual orientation.

The American Psychiatric Association defines pedophilia as “a psychiatric disorder. Which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.”

Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation but a mental disorder and a criminal offense. It is harmful and abusive to children and violates their rights and dignity.

The Amendment could imply pedophilia is a valid and acceptable form of sexual attraction that cannot be changed or treated. It could also undermine the efforts of law enforcement and child protection agencies to prevent and prosecute child sexual abuse.

A Flawed Rationale

Finke has defended her amendment, saying it is based on scientific evidence and human rights principles.

Leigh Finke said the clause in the bill was “inaccurate” and “harmful” because it conflated sexual orientation with pedophilia, two concepts.

She said that sexual orientation is “an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes” that is “immutable” and “cannot be changed.”

She said that pedophilia is “a paraphilia,” which is “a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires. Typically involving extreme or dangerous activities” that is “mutable” and “can be changed.”

Finke said that the clause in the bill was “unnecessary” because pedophilia is already illegal and punishable under existing laws.

She said that the clause in the bill was “stigmatizing” because it implied that LGBTQ people were somehow linked to pedophilia, which is a false and harmful stereotype.

Leigh that her amendment was intended to protect LGBTQ youth from therapy, which she said was “a form of torture” that violated their human rights.

A Rejected Proposal

Leigh Finke’s amendment was rejected by the House Health Finance and Policy Committee. Wednesday after a heated debate among lawmakers and testimony from experts and advocates.

The committee voted 10-7 against the amendment, with all Republicans and one Democrat disliking it.

Policy committee also voted 10-7 in favor of passing HF 1655 as it was originally written. The anti-pedophilia clause intact.

The bill will now move to the House floor for further talks.



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