5 Diseases That Can Be Diagnosed By Your Body Odor

5 Diseases That Can Be Diagnosed By Your Body Odor

Body odor is mostly linked to a lack of hygiene, but could it be an early sign of disease? Experts believe that many deadly diseases can be diagnosed through the sense of smell.

Studies have shown that certain diseases have their own “breathing pattern”, which can be regarded as a biomarker for early diagnosis of the disease.

Body odor occurs when bacteria mix with sweat.alone appreciate It is affected by many factors, such as hormones, diet, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions. Other factors that affect body odor include humidity, genetics, being overweight, and exercise.

Hormonal changes such as menstruation and ovulation can also cause changes in body odor, researchers have found.

How does illness affect body odor?

According to experts, when a person has a disease, the way their body works changes. Changes in different biochemical processes lead to the production of volatile small molecules in the body, which are transported throughout the body through the blood. The body then releases it through breath, urine and sweat.

“According to the scientific literature, there is evidence that the smell may contain markers for diseases such as lung cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, melanoma,” says biomedical engineer Yehuda Zeiri at the Kiryat Bergman Campus of Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba. , Israel, Tell Reader’s Digest.

Diseases that can be detected by smell

1. Preeclampsia:

This is a hypertensive disorder that develops during pregnancy. For women with no other blood pressure problems, complications usually start after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This condition raises protein levels in the urine, a sign of damaged kidneys and other organ damage. If left untreated, preeclampsia can cause complications for the mother-to-be and her unborn child, and it can be fatal.

Preeclampsia can be detected with 84 percent accuracy using breathprints of expecting mothers, according to a study published in 2016.

2. Lung cancer:

Lung cancer occurs when cells in the lungs grow abnormally. Research has shown that lung cancer can be detected at its earliest stages using only a simple breath test called a nasopharyngeal test.

the developer of technology It hopes to expand its use to detect early signs of other serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, kidney disease, liver disease, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

3. Renal failure:

kidney failure is a serious health condition This happens when one or both kidneys stop working. This can be due to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Ammonia in the breath indicates kidney failure, the researchers found.

Based on this discovery, scientists at the University of Illinois have developed a single-use device that can detect the breathprint of kidney failure.

“In a clinical setting, doctors use bulky instruments, basically the size of a large desk, to detect and analyze these compounds. We want to distribute the cheap sensor chip to patients so they can use it and throw it away,” Ying said. Diao, who leads the team that developed the technology, explain in the press release.

4. Diabetes

Studies have shown that people with diabetes have fruit flavour. Fruity is ketoacidosis caused by insufficient or inefficient use of insulin in the body. This deadly condition causes the body to burn fat for fuel.

5. Liver failure

When a patient’s liver function stops or slows down, a variety of toxins and pollutants can build up in the urine, sweat and breath. The raw fishy smell has been linked to liver failure.

underarm odor
Experts believe that many deadly diseases can be diagnosed by a person’s body odor.
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Published by Medicaldaily.com


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