Why COVID-19 Exposure Notifications On Smartphones No Longer Work

Why COVID-19 Exposure Notifications On Smartphones No Longer Work

As the United States turned the last page of the COVID-19 pandemic on Friday, so did CA Notify’s exposure notification system for smartphones.

The California Department of Public Health’s CA Notify computer program is designed to alert iPhone and Android users of possible exposure to COVID-19 during the pandemic.

Officially launched in December 2020, the contact tracing app can tell people if they have been near someone who has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. According to one app, the app uses the phone’s location to determine if a person has been exposed. NBC Bay Area review.

Starting Thursday, the system that powers COVID-19 exposure notifications is no longer active. In a press release issued the same day, the department explained The systems were scheduled to shut down on the same day the country’s COVID-19 state of emergency ends.

Users who opted-in for CA Notify alerts should have already received a smartphone notification saying their device “will no longer log nearby devices, and you will not be notified of possible exposure.”

In the absence of a contact tracing app, the department encourages vigilance as the virus that causes the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread actively.

“We encourage people to continue to follow current CDPH COVID-19 guidelines. Vaccines, home testing and robust treatment options continue to be successful in the fight against COVID-19,” the department said.

Although CA Notify will no longer inform public users of their risk of exposure, the department assured everyone that it will continue to work with its partners to make the app repurposed for future use in relation to COVID-19 or other illnesses. Responses.

On Friday, the public health emergency declaration expired. At the same time, the U.S. government announced that it will no longer require international air passengers traveling to the United States to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

“Given the progress we have made, and based on the latest guidance from our public health experts, I have determined that we no longer need the restrictions on international air travel that I imposed in October 2021,” U.S. President Joe Biden announced earlier this week .

Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of the pandemic to be near. However, the group acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 remains a global threat as the virus continues to mutate and spread.

The new coronavirus is unlikely to make big waves in the post-pandemic world, according to a new report published in the journal Nature. Although it shows no signs of having a seasonal pattern of transmission, it can trigger waves of less worrisome mild infections.

Published by Medicaldaily.com


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