Staffing Shortfall: Kupwara Schools Struggle With 128 Vacant Lecturer Positions, RTI Reveals


SRINAGAR: An RTI application has revealed a significant number of vacant lecturer positions in Kupwara district.

The RTI was filed by Tajamul Islam, a law student, seeking details about lecturer vacancies. According to the Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK), a total of 128 lecturer posts are vacant in 18 Higher Secondary Schools and 12 High Schools in the district.

Official sources indicate that Kupwara district has a total of 54 Higher Secondary Schools, 102 High Schools, 700 Middle Schools, and 894 Primary Schools. However, only 18 Higher Secondary Schools and 12 High Schools responded to the RTI, sharing the vacancy figures.

The shortage of lecturers in educational institutions has created a void, affecting the smooth functioning of schools and the teacher-pupil ratio. The availability of subject-specific lecturers in sufficient numbers is crucial, according to official sources.

To compensate for the vacant posts, subject-specific RETs (Rehbar-e-Taleem) and General line teachers are being utilized, resulting in a shortage of teachers in elementary schools. The lack of lecturers has led to dissatisfaction among students and others over the years, the officials stated.

In 2018, the School Education Department (SED) of Jammu and Kashmir imposed a freeze on the recruitment process. Subsequently, in 2019, several employees were hired based on an old advertisement. (KNO)


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