Weight Gain In Early Adulthood Linked to Increased Risk Of Fatal Prostate Cancer: Study

Weight Gain In Early Adulthood Linked to Increased Risk Of Fatal Prostate Cancer: Study

One study found that men who gained about 27 pounds before reaching a 3-0 win were 27 percent more likely to die from prostate cancer in older age than those who maintained their teenage weight.

Data from 250,000 Swedish men in the decades-old study, which has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, strongly suggests a link between weight gain in men’s prime health years and the development of prostate cancer, according to protector.

Those who gained at least 0.5kg a year between the ages of 17 and 60 had a 10 percent increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer and a 29 percent increased risk of being fatal.

In addition, faster weight gain, especially between the ages of 17 and 29, was associated with an increased risk of aggressive and fatal prostate cancer. Men aged 17 to 29 who gained 28 pounds (about 13 kilograms) had a 13 percent higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer and a 27 percent higher risk of fatal prostate cancer, the study noted.

These findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the link between weight gain and prostate cancer. It also highlights the importance of maintaining an ideal body weight during key stages of life.

Of the 258,477 Swedish men who participated in the study, 23,348 were diagnosed with prostate cancer and 4,790 died from the disease. The mean age at diagnosis was 70 years.

“Knowing more about what causes prostate cancer is key to preventing it,” Marisa da Silva from the Department of Translational Medicine at Lund University told the Guardian. “We don’t know whether weight gain itself or the duration of weight gain is the main driver of the association we see. However, a person has to gain weight to become heavier, so preventing dramatic weight gain in young men prevents prostate cancer It is imperative.”

Weight gain, especially in early adulthood, may increase the risk of prostate cancer, Da Silva explained, which may be influenced by growth hormone UPI.

However, more research is needed to determine the exact relationship between weight gain and prostate cancer risk.

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Scientists have now come up with a new technique that can diagnose cancer with a simple urine test.
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Published by Medicaldaily.com


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