Study Reveals How Vitamin K Helps Prevent Diabetes; Foods To Include In Your Diet

Study Reveals How Vitamin K Helps Prevent Diabetes; Foods To Include In Your Diet

Previous research has shown a link between reduced vitamin K intake and an increased risk of diabetes. A new study by Canadian researchers reveals how vitamins commonly found in green leafy vegetables regulate blood sugar.

Vitamin K is fat soluble nutrient Essential for blood clotting, bone and heart health.This nutrient prevents calcium from building up in the arteries, reducing risk High blood pressure, heart and kidney disease.

While vitamin K deficiency is rare, not getting enough can lead to problems with blood clotting, weaker bones and an increased risk of heart disease.

Vitamin K is a nutrient that is easily broken down and excreted through urine or feces.Therefore, even at high intakes, there is little chance of causing toxicity In the body, unlike other fat-soluble nutrients.

Dietary sources rich in vitamin K include vegetables such as kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and meats such as beef liver, ground beef, chicken and bacon. Other foods such as Swiss chard, prunes, blackberries and blueberries are also good sources of vitamin K.

published in cell reportresearchers at the University of Montreal not only identified a link between vitamin K and diabetes, but also discovered how it helps control blood sugar.

“It is well known that diabetes is caused by reduced numbers of beta cells or the inability to produce enough insulin, so we were intrigued by this new discovery. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms by which vitamin K maintains beta cell function, we determined which proteins in these cells Carboxylation by gamma is crucial,” said Mathieu Ferron, lead researcher on the study.

The team discovered a new vitamin K-dependent protein, paving the way for a new field of research.

“We were able to identify a novel gamma-carboxylated protein called ERGP. Our studies showed that this protein plays an important role in maintaining physiological levels of beta-cell calcium to prevent disturbances in insulin secretion. Finally, we demonstrated that the vitamin Carboxylation of K through gamma is critical for ERGP to exert its effects,” said Julie Lacombe, a co-investigator on the study. Add to.

Vitamin K-Supplemented Foods
Dietary sources rich in vitamin K include vegetables such as kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli, and meats such as beef liver, chicken and bacon.
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