After G20 Summit, JK Set To Host International Conference On Robotic Surgeries


SRINAGAR: The Government Medical College Srinagar is going to hold a workshop-cum-conference on live robotic surgery next month.

A senior doctor at GMC Srinagar stated that the Department of General and Minimal Access Surgery at Government Medical College Srinagar is preparing for a high-tech three-day international workshop at the GMC auditorium.

The event will include a live operative workshop on June 1 and 2, featuring laparoscopic surgical procedures and advanced urological procedures demonstrated live by experts from both within and outside the country.

“This will be the first time in the history of J&K and GMC Srinagar that there will be a relay of Advanced Robotic Surgery from Kochi. It will prove to be a boon for postgraduates and young surgeons to observe the innovative surgical skills of the experts and provide an opportunity for them to deliberate on confounding clinical issues,” the doctor said.

The aim of the conference is to highlight the quality of urological and surgical work being done in the Department of Surgery at GMC Srinagar.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Kashmir Urological Society, a group of top-notch urologists working in Kashmir and abroad. This event will pave the way for a solid foundation of Robotic Surgery in the Department of General and Minimal Access Surgery at GMC Srinagar.

“Approximately 300 delegates from within and outside J&K have already registered for the event,” he said.

Prof Mufti Mahmood Ahmad, Head of Department, General and Minimal Access Surgery at GMC Srinagar, stated that the Department of Surgery at GMC Srinagar has made significant progress in recent years, surpassing counterparts elsewhere in many aspects. He mentioned that last year they conducted hands-on training for over 200 doctors on the Robotic platform to familiarize surgeons and urologists with the new modality of surgery.

“In continuation of that endeavor, the department has taken a giant leap this year by organizing a relay of Live Robotic Surgery and providing a skill development program for young surgeons and postgraduates through hands-on training on state-of-the-art simulators that will be installed during the conference,” he said.

Doctors from the USA, UK, and other countries are attending this high-level event to guide local doctors about live robotic surgeries and other related topics. (KNO)


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