People Who Exercise Regularly May Have Higher Tolerance For Pain: Study

People Who Exercise Regularly May Have Higher Tolerance For Pain: Study

A new study suggests that being physically active and exercising regularly can help manage chronic pain.

Researchers from Norway analyzed the effect of physical activity on pain tolerance by evaluating data from more than 10,000 adults who were part of a population study called Tromso.

Physically active people tolerate pain better than sedentary people, according to findings published in the journal PLOS ONE.

“Starting or staying physically active over time can improve your pain tolerance. Whatever you do, the most important thing is that you do something,” said study author Anders Arnes from the University Hospital of Northern Norway explain, explain in the press release.

Previous research has also shown that physical activity may help reduce or prevent chronic pain by improving pain tolerance. However, these studies are limited because they focus on a small group of people.

“Since physical activity also appears to be a useful tool in the prevention and treatment of chronic pain, we are trying to figure out whether this effect on pain sensitivity tolerance is one of the mechanisms by which physical activity prevents chronic pain,” said Arnes. Add to.

The researchers examined data from two rounds of the Tromsø study in 2007-2008 and 2015-2016. They assessed participants’ self-reported levels of physical activity and measured their pain tolerance using a test that involved immersing their hands in cold water.

“So the overarching conclusion is that any activity is better than being completely sedentary. Second, there are indications that the total amount of physical activity over time, and the direction in which activity levels change over time, is important to you how high your pain tolerance is,” Arnes said.

Experts believe that endorphins released during physical activity may be the key to pain relief. “Physical activity is associated with the release of endorphins, the brain’s natural pain-relieving chemicals.” Dr. James Walker, who was not involved in the study, Tell Medical News Today.

“Regular physical activity can also improve cardiovascular fitness, increase blood flow, and reduce inflammation, which can contribute to an individual’s pain tolerance. The combination of these factors is likely to contribute to the Higher pain tolerance activity,” Walker added.

The researchers also found that the findings held true across the population and were independent of whether the pain was chronic or whether the participants were male or female.

Screenshot 2021-08-03 at 6
Regular exercise is the key to good health.
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