Live: Polls close in Turkey’s historic presidential election


Who has won – and lost – under Erdogan?

Some parts of Turkish society have benefited under the incumbent’s decades-long rule – others haven’t.

Here are some of the winners: 

The religious 

Erdogan is popular among conservative and religious voters, having steered the country away from its secular foundations towards a more Islamist direction.  

Real estate

Under Erdogan, real estate and construction have expanded throughout Turkey, stimulating infrastructural growth. Some groups and contractors close to the government have been awarded lucrative government contracts. 

Conservative women 

Erdogan has defended the rights of conservative Muslims after decades of a resolutely secular regime. Pious women have been gradually allowed to wear headscarves in universities, the civil service, the police and parliament, where they were once de facto banned. 

And the losers:

The media

The Turkish media landscape, once held up as an example of pluralism, has become increasingly more restricted under Erdogan. Observers estimate that 90 per cent of the Turkish media are now controlled by the government or its supporters. 

The military

The Turkish military, deeply secular and accustomed to coups, has gradually lost its influence on the political scene.

Liberal women

Liberal and feminist women have complained of an increasingly hostile environment under Erdogan, accusing him of rolling back their rights and cracking down on female political groups. 


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