Former NBA Player Predicts How Much Longer LeBron Will Play



When the Los Angeles Lakers were eliminated from the playoffs, there was a lot of speculation about LeBron James possibly retiring this summer.

Weeks later, that speculation has died down and it seems very likely that he will be back with the Lakers when the new season starts.

But this did once again raise the question: how much longer will James be in the league?

Former NBA star Jamal Crawford sat down with the Dan Patrick Show and gave his insight into James and also speculated about his future.

Crawford thinks that James has a few more years left in him and is amazed by his mental game:

“I think he has another two to three seasons. He averaged just about 30 points this year. I’m not sure his mind will want to stay in it. That’s the more impressive part to me: it’s to be at the level for that long, mentally.”

James is currently 38 years old so he will be about 40 around the time that Crawford thinks he will leave the league.

Other people have predicted that this would be an ideal time for him to leave.

His latest contract with the Lakers will be up, he will have played with his son in the NBA, and his legacy will be secure.

As Crawford pointed out, James is still scoring nearly 30 points a game so why would he even toy with the idea of retiring?

Also mentioned by Crawford is James’ superior mental ability and strength.

His head is definitely still in the game – but how much longer will that be the case?

Can he be that tuned in night after night for several more years?

Will his head force him to retire before his body does?

For the next few seasons, people will be closely watching everything James does, wondering if he is nearing the end of his epic career.

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