Google Thinks Animal Collective is Anal Cunt

Google Thinks Animal Collective is Anal Cunt

Google Thinks Animal Collective is Anal Cunt

Animal Collective is an experimental indie-pop group beloved for their intricate arrangements, flamboyant harmonies, and abstract lyrics. Anal Cunt was a veritable grindcore band, making music that was aggressive, outrageous, and distasteful. These two groups are distinct, but now Google is confusing one with the other.

as Twitter user jetskitosway be the first to point out, currently a Google search for “Animal Collective” results in Anal Cunt’s name appearing with a photo of the Animal Collective. What’s more, Google attributes numerous Animal Collective albums to Anal Cunt.

Other than the fact that the two bands share the same initials, there’s no obvious answer as to why Google confused the two bands. Still, it’s hilarious, so thanks Google for the laughs.


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