Concrete Steps Needed To Restore, Protect Environment Of Kashmir: Tarigami


SRINAGAR: On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Jammu & Kashmir State Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expressed grave concern over the ecological devastation plaguing the region.

Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami, CPI(M) leader highlighted the urgent need to address the environmental challenges facing Kashmir. “The fragile ecosystem of the region, known for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and cultural heritage, is at risk due to the lack of attention from the administration. Immediate action is required to prevent irreversible damage and preserve Kashmir’s environmental treasures for future generations ” he said.

World Environment Day, commemorated globally, aims to engage people in efforts to protect and restore the Earth. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the event, which brings together participants from more than 150 countries under the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The theme for this year’s celebration is #BeatPlasticPollution, focusing on finding solutions to tackle plastic pollution, one of the major environmental threats.

“Kashmir, once renowned for its pristine beauty and tranquility, is now grappling with deforestation, pollution, and unsustainable development practices. Uncontrolled tree felling has led to soil erosion, while haphazard expansion of highways contributes to frequent landslides on the Jammu-Srinagar highway, affecting access to water for indigenous tribal communities. The pollution of rivers and lakes, including the Dal, Mansabal, Wular, and Mansar lakes, not only endangers aquatic life but also disrupts the livelihoods of thousands of people who depend on these water bodies. Unregulated construction and encroachment on wetlands and floodplains have amplified the risk of natural disasters, putting local communities’ lives and properties at stake, ” Tarigami added.

The J&K State Committee of CPI(M) calls for immediate recognition of the urgency of the situation and the implementation of concrete steps to restore and protect the environment of Kashmir. It is essential to prioritize sustainable development practices, address deforestation, regulate construction activities, and promote responsible tourism to safeguard the region’s ecological well-being.


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