The Government of Italy contributes EUR 1 million to UNRWA in Gaza

Giuseppe Fedele, Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem, and Thomas White, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, sign EUR 1 million contribution for UNRWA services in Gaza. © 2023 UNRWA Photo

Today, Giuseppe Fedele, Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem, held a meeting with Thomas White, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, to reaffirm Italy’s strong commitment to UNRWA and Palestine Refugees. The meeting followed the recent approval of an EUR 1 million project aimed at preventing and supporting survivors of gender-based violence in the Gaza Strip. 

The project will benefit approximately 94,000 individuals directly. By employing a multi-sectoral approach, the project will enhance the safety of women and girls in the Gaza Strip in their homes and communities. Additionally, the project will engage multiple stakeholders, with a particular focus on men and youth, to effectively address existing gender-based violence risks and improve the quality and accessibility of related services. 

This generous contribution complements a recent EUR 2 million donation made by the Government of Italy to support at-risk Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, with a specific emphasis on children and persons with disabilities and their families. 

Through this contribution, the Government of Italy wants to reaffirm its longstanding commitment to Palestine Refugees, recognizing the critical importance of preventing and supporting victims of gender-based violence in Gaza,” said Giuseppe Fedele. 

Thomas White expressed his appreciation, saying, “The breadth of contributions that the Government of Italy provides in support of UNRWA and particularly in the Gaza Strip showcases its significance as a key donor to the Agency. It’s a testament of Italy’s support to Palestine Refugees in the Gaza Strip and across the region. 

In 2022, the Government of Italy provided over US$ 18 million to UNRWA, supporting activities in line with the Agency’s priorities.   

  • The project will benefit approximately 85,000 girls in UNRWA schools, 4,000 community members, 3,200 UNRWA teachers, and 800 social workers, legal counselors, mental health and psychosocial support counselors, and supervisors. 

  • The project’s multi-sectoral approach involves UNRWA Relief and Social Services, Health, Education, and Protection programmes 

Background Information: 

UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. The United Nations General Assembly established UNRWA in 1949 with a mandate to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to registered Palestine refugees in the Agency’s area of operations pending a just and lasting solution to their plight.

UNRWA operates in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, The Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. 

Tens of thousands of Palestine refugees who lost their homes and livelihoods due to the 1948 conflict continue to be displaced and in need of support, nearly 75 years on.

UNRWA helps Palestine Refugees achieve their full potential in human development through quality services it provides in education, health care, relief and social services, protection, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance, and emergency assistance. UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions.



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