A Guardians Fan Enjoyed A Unique Snack At Progressive Field



When fans come down to the ballpark, they typically enjoy having themselves a little snack or two.

At stadiums, food such as pizza, burgers, hot dogs, nachos, fries, and ice cream are typically served.

But every now and then, a fan might get a little creative and take matters into their own hands by bringing their own snack to the ballpark.

That is what took place on Wednesday night at Progressive Field where the Cleveland Guardians played host to the Boston Red Sox.

One Guardians fan can be seen enjoying his own personal snack.

It wasn’t a hot dog, a burger, nachos, or a slice of pizza.

Instead, this fan was casually using a spoon to eat mustard out of a container.

This may go down as one of the most unique snacks a fan has ever eaten at a ballpark.

It’s not every day that a fan has their own personal tub of mustard and eats out of it.

To most, this would be considered quite disgusting.

However, you have to admire the ingenuity on this fan’s part.

Not only did he get to enjoy his own personal snack, but he more than likely did not have to buy any food at the ballpark, as far as we know.

Mustard can certainly be filling, especially when one eats it straight out of a container.

But clearly, this fan was enjoying every second of his mustard, and nobody can take that away from him.

To each their own.

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