Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 Can Cause Brain Cells To Fuse, Trigger Chronic Neurological Symptoms

Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 Can Cause Brain Cells To Fuse, Trigger Chronic Neurological Symptoms

Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 can cause brain cells to fuse, leading to chronic neurological symptoms, a team of researchers at the University of Queensland has discovered.

While studying the mechanisms of how viruses affect the brain, a team led by Ramon Martinez-Marmol at the Queensland Brain Institute observed infected neurons fusing together.This results in either synchronous discharges or a complete loss of function, according to findings published in the journal scientific progress.

COVID-19 can cause confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures, stroke, loss of smell and taste, headaches, difficulty concentrating and even behavior changes. Other effects on the brain may include severe infection, an exaggerated immune response, overall physiological disturbances and abnormal blood clotting, it is said. Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Interestingly, this research reveals another challenging situation posed by COVID-19 or other viruses.

In the findings, study co-author Massimo Hilliard likened the neurons to the wires that connect switches to kitchen and bathroom lights. When fusion occurs, both lights either turn on together or remain off, disrupting their respective circuits.

The finding may explain why people experience persistent neurological symptoms after viral infection. Martinez-Marmol noted that while cell death and inflammation are known outcomes of viruses entering the brain, the study points to another potential problem: what happens to brain cells after infection with HIV, rabies, Japanese encephalitis, measles, herpes simplex virus, and other viruses. Cells fuse, and Zika virus causes similar problems in the nervous system.

The researchers believe that this newly discovered mechanism provides important insights into the development of neurological diseases and their associated symptoms, which are not well understood.

The research took a collaborative approach, with experts including Lars Ittner, Yazi Ke, Giuseppe Balistreri, Kirsty Short and Frederic Meunier comprehensively exploring the topic at hand, and it is reported that science blog.

nervous system

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