COVID-19 Pathogen Made By Chinese Scientists, Military In Wuhan Lab: Report

COVID-19 Pathogen Made By Chinese Scientists, Military In Wuhan Lab: Report

A report claims that the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was developed by Chinese scientists and the military while developing biological weapons.

a recent report sunday times Implications that Chinese scientists were involved in the secret experiment that led to the leak of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, sparked the COVID-19 pandemic. The report, citing U.S. investigators, said the experiments were conducted in collaboration with the Chinese military to increase the infectivity of the coronavirus found in the bat cave.

The institute has previously demonstrated its work as a means to develop a vaccine. However, the institute is said to have classified its research after a novel coronavirus was found in the mine in 2016, making it unavailable to the public.

According to the report, U.S. investigators with access to classified intelligence believe manipulation of the mine virus led to the creation of COVID-19, which then escaped in a laboratory accident.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the fabrication, spread and cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said one investigator.

Investigators have accused the Wuhan-based laboratory of involvement in the creation, spread and cover-up of the pandemic. Foreign experts trying to investigate the origins of the pandemic face obstacles from China, including surveillance and limited communications.

The report further alleges that the Chinese military funded a secret mine virus project. U.S. State Department investigators have revealed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been conducting classified research in collaboration with the Chinese military on publications and secret projects since at least 2017.This has raised concerns about the institute’s dual-use capabilities in viral bioweapons and vaccines, as each universal.

While the Chinese government has publicly denied any laboratory leaks and called such theories false, former director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Professor George Gao, has admitted that authorities investigated the Wuhan Institute of Virology because of its research on coronaviruses .

“That lab has been double-checked by experts in the field,” Gao said before. “You can always doubt anything. That’s science. Don’t rule anything out.”

Still, Gao stressed that the origin of the virus remains unknown and urged an open scientific approach in exploring all possibilities.

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