4 Implants, Liposuction Patients Dead Amid Meningitis Outbreak At Mexico Clinics

4 Implants, Liposuction Patients Dead Amid Meningitis Outbreak At Mexico Clinics

Four people from the United States have tragically died in a recent outbreak of fungal meningitis at cosmetic surgery clinics in Mexico, raising concerns about a potentially widespread infection.

Health officials have confirmed the death toll and suspect many others may have been exposed to the deadly disease. Last month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel advisory advising travelers to take “enhanced precautions” in affected areas.

according to nbc news, about 200 people in the United States may have encountered fatal fungal meningitis during visits to two clinics in Matamoros, Mexico. The clinics offer procedures such as implants and liposuction, and the exposure mostly occurred in patients receiving epidurals, as health officials said. The two associated clinics, River Side Surgical Center and Clinica K-3, subsequently closed on May 13 under CDC guidance.

CDC has been actively working with the Mexican Ministry of Health and state and local health departments in the United States to respond to the outbreak among patients traveling to Matamoros on the border in Brownsville, Texas. Individuals who underwent epidural procedures at the clinic between January 1 and May 13 are considered at risk for fungal meningitis and should seek medical attention, the CDC warns.

NBC News highlighted two potential causes of the outbreak: contaminated morphine used during cosmetic procedures and the reuse of pill bottles. However, the exact source of the outbreak has yet to be determined. Dr. Tom Keeler, chief of the CDC’s division of fungal diseases, speculated that pharmacy shortages of morphine may have created an environment in which wrongdoers operate black-market morphine operations.

As part of the investigation, CDC officials are examining other clinics for possible involvement in the outbreak. There are currently four confirmed cases of fungal meningitis caused by surgery performed at either of the two clinics in Matamoros. Tragically, four people have died from the outbreak, according to CDC investigators. Symptoms in the Texas case reportedly began to appear between three days and six weeks after Matamoros’ surgery.

CDC emphasizes Fungal meningitis does not spread from person to person, but occurs when a fungal infection in another part of the body spreads to the brain or spinal cord. To ensure early detection, CDC urges individuals who visited River Side Surgical Center or Clinica K-3 between January 1 and May 13 and received an epidural to seek immediate medical attention and get tested for the fungal infection. Testing for meningitis usually involves an MRI and a lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap.

Fungal meningitis infects the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation of the delicate tissue that contains these vital structures. Symptoms may include fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and confusion, according to the CDC. Initial symptoms may be mild or absent, but once they do, they can quickly develop into a serious and life-threatening condition.

Of the 179 people currently under investigation, there are 10 probable cases and 14 probable cases, according to the CDC.Laboratory tests conducted for the CDC showed that the specific fungus found at the two clinics was Fusarium solani. Experts express concern as similar outbreaks are caused by F. solani According to NBC News, a 50% mortality rate occurred in Mexico last year.

Published by Medicaldaily.com


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