Rob Manfred should at least leave the Athletics name in Oakland


I don’t like being a fatalist, or waving the white flag to unfettered capitalism. I like to believe that at some point, the voice of the fans matters. The frenetic pursuit of profit and growth ignores and pulls down everything around it, eventually hitting a wall. certainly, Oakland A’s fans‘ sound be heard Give them any reason Tuesday when they hold an anti-boycott night to prove that this is a thriving baseball market. When you’re not actively chasing them away to chase dreams filled with greed and self-celebration.

hard to see anything happening on set Auckland Coliseum And think it’s all futile. A means too much A lot of people is completely ignored, you hope. How can this kind of passion be simply thrown into the abyss? At least it would be in a just world. But of course, we don’t live in that world. Once the Sonics were pried from Seattle’s desperate hands, the barrier to having a loyal and passionate fanbase was almost forever gone. All the owners need is to prove to one of their own and any league will simply ignore the city and the fans of a team that wants to leave because they are guilty of not paying for a new stadium that they can all easily afford.

Even A-team fans probably knew it was all for naught Tuesday, but there was still something cathartic about getting together and screaming for the last time.Wednesday only proved as Nevada Senate ConfirmedAccepted A’s proposal, even though everything about it smells like fish that’s been out in the sun for a week. Feels like it won’t work, but John Fisher will get the money when the stadium is built, then he’ll sell the team immediately, and Manfred will just take advantage of other owners complaining that Vegas is a revenue share receiving team As another big stick trying to turn the MLBPA around.

Leaving A-League in Oakland to make Vegas an expansion team

One thing Manfred can do, which he probably won’t, and it won’t cost him anything, is leave the A’s name and colors in Oakland. Arguably, the Cleveland Browns are. Yes, the A’s have moved twice in their history, but they’ve now been in the East Bay for 55 years. That is their home. They belong to the city. Let Fisher rename the team to the Flamingos or something (that should be the name of the Golden Knights, not the military hump like it is now, but that train left long ago). Let them build something from scratch if possible.

we know Major League Baseball will expand sometime in the next decade. They hold off on doing this so the A’s and Rays can use possible expansion destinations as leverage to hijack their city, or simply choose like the A’s did.Nashville, Portland, Charlotte and Montreal (Editor’s note: Bring back the expo!) Teams may be needed, but for now, Will have to settle for just a pawn.

If MLB wants to impose a time limit on it, fine. Give Oakland three years or so to find an owner who can pay the bills, and probably be happy with the Howard Pier plan, since it doesn’t have the “village” around which Fisher keeps moving the goalposts. Or something redeveloped on the Coliseum site. If they can’t, they can’t. At least give them first refusal when it comes to MLB expansion.

It’s not exactly a win for Oakland, but it’s something worth holding on to. Those hats and jerseys and shirts are still attached to something bigger than a memory, more than anything else. Browns fans certainly didn’t mind at this point.Oakland and the Bay Area are Still bigger than any expected expansion site. MLB should want to be in Oakland.

Of course, Seattle is still waiting for the return of the Sonics (Editor’s Note: Bring back the Sonics!). But MLB is hotter now than the NBA after expansion, and Seattle only recently came up with a building. Maybe it’s an empty promise that keeps fans waiting a decade and raises a generation that never knew the team was around. But it’s the easiest thing Manfred can do to make him look less like the weeping, evil wax monster we’re pretty sure about.

I’m not going to sit on a hot stove and wait for it to happen, though.

EAC Nazis Fuck

This has only the loosest associations with movement. But this is fitness, and that’s enough exercise, so here’s a video of some Nazis getting thoroughly dressed as clowns as they try to terrorize a pride parade in Lewis County, Washington.

Clearly, This hard-boiled bastard never went to the gym, because anyone who has ever been to a gym knows, never, ever, Try to outrun gays in any machine or sport. That can’t be won.

Follow Sam on Twitter @felsgate.


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