David Dexter joins The Marshall Project as Senior Development Writer

David Dexter joins The Marshall Project as Senior Development Writer

The Pulitzer Prize-winning nonprofit media organization Marshall, which covers criminal justice, plans to hire David Dexter as its new senior development writer.

Dexter will lead and execute the communications strategy for donor outreach and will also build and strengthen relationships with potential and current Marshall Project donors. His work will support Marshall Project President Carroll Bogert, other key executives and the fundraising team in raising funds to support the organization. In his new role, he will report to Chief Development Officer Elizabeth Seuling.

Dexter joins The Marshall Project from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Annapolis, Maryland, where he was a senior development writer and worked on major gift proposals, planning for multi-million dollar giving campaigns Communicate strategies and support frontline fundraisers.

Before that, Dexter was a development contributor for Baltimore Homeless Health Care, a community-based healthcare organization caring for 10,000 homeless people each year. There, he prepared fundraising appeals, event communications, grant proposals, and reports for foundations and corporate funders who give more than $500,000 annually.

“I’m excited to continue my development work at The Marshall Project, an organization I admire for producing award-winning criminal justice journalism,” Dexter said. “The incredible reporting of the Marshall Project has been a great resource to me for most of my career, and I am proud to help further its mission.”

“We are ecstatic to have David join the Marshall Project. He will assume the key function of communicating the work, impact and future plans of the Marshall Project to our loyal donor base as well as potential new funders,” Seuling said.

Dexter’s first day on the Marshall Project will be June 16.


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