Controversial influencer Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking


The British-American former boxer has been indicted in Romania “for organizing a criminal group, human trafficking and rape”.

Controversial British-American influencer Andrew Tate has been indicted in Romania “for organizing a criminal group, human trafficking and rape”, the office of the country’s Organized Crime Prosecutor (DIICOT) announced on Tuesday.

His brother Tristan and two associates have also been charged. They all deny the allegations.

The four were detained in December and spent several months in jail before being released on house arrest. 

A former professional boxer, who has more than 5 million Twitter followers, Andrew Tate was previously banned from various social media platforms for expressing misogynistic views and hate speech. The 36-year-old has repeatedly claimed Romanian prosecutors have no evidence and alleged their case is a “political” conspiracy designed to silence him.

DIICOT said in a statement after the December arrests that it had identified six victims in the human trafficking case who were allegedly subjected to “acts of physical violence and mental coercion” and sexually exploited by members of the alleged crime group.

The agency said the Tate brothers recruited their victims by seducing them and falsely claiming to want a relationship. The victims were later intimidated, placed under surveillance and subjected to other control tactics while being coerced into engaging in pornographic acts for the financial gain of the crime group.


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