5 Poses To Treat Sleep Disorders

5 Poses To Treat Sleep Disorders

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year to raise awareness of the health benefits of practicing yoga.

yoga is a contemplative This practice began more than 3,000 years ago and combines attention, focused breathing, and physical exercise. From improving mental and emotional health to relieving pain, losing weight, and easing chronic disease, yoga has become an integral part of many people’s treatment plans.

Since the start of the pandemic, the world has witnessed a surge in sleep disorders. Changing routines, increased screen time, alcohol consumption and work stress are several factors that have affected the sleep patterns of millions of people around the world.

Research shows that over 55% of yoga practitioners report improved sleep and over 85% report reduced stress. This International Yoga Day, learn more about yoga poses that can help with your sleep disorders.

1. Sunday worship: This is a series of 12 powerful yoga poses that are highly recommended for a positive impact on the mind and body. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is a great cardiovascular exercise that helps Relax Muscles of the body and calm mind, leading to a good night’s sleep.

You can learn the 12 poses of sun salutation here:

2. Yashtikasana: Yashtikasana, also known as Hold the pose, helps stretch the spine, relaxes the body, and reduces discomfort from muscle stiffness that can disrupt sleep. It is the best yoga pose to practice before going to bed.

3. Brahmin pranayama: Calming breathing exercises, also known as buzzing breathing, can calm the mind, calm the nerves, and relieve stress and anxiety. Bhramari means “bee” in Sanskrit, and the practice gets its name from the humming sound that comes from the back of the throat when practiced.

Follow the steps below to practice Bhramari:

4. Badrasana: Bhadrasana is a great meditation pose that helps improve blood flow. It also helps relieve tired muscles and relieve tense knots in the lower body.

Here’s how you do Bhadrasana:

5. Shavasana: Also known as Corpse Pose, Shavasana is a relaxation pose practiced at the end of a yoga class in which the body remains still while lying on the back, face upward. This position promotes blood flow to the pelvic area, which can help promote deep, quality sleep.

From improving mental and emotional health to relieving pain, losing weight, and easing chronic disease, yoga has become an integral part of many people’s treatment plans.

Published by Medicaldaily.com


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