Aaron Rodgers wants money for website that stole our stories


i won’t claim to understand aaron rogers‘Business acumen.I think he might sit down and go on Spiritual Journey Fueled by Ayahuasca, A game-changing idea pops up every few months. Inevitably, he is valued because of his money and connections.One of the ideas is The Extremely General Online Sports Database, or OSDB, which is practically brain dead for Rogers create an idea movie database For athletes. Over the years, several successful digital platforms have been spun off, but all designed specifically for athletes. Think of any successful digital concept, someone has considered creating their own flippant version of that thing to appeal to a certain market, but lacks the technical expertise.

Founder of ODSB and CEO Ryan Rottman’s background makes people ‘miss him in the blink of an eye’ Performance credit Executive VP Michael Goldman cited for helping launch TMZ Sports. Rotman connects the community-owned side with the Green Bay Packers. On Tuesday, crowdfunding site StartEngine began allowing anyone in the public to buy OSDB for at least $500. The goal is to hit their $1.25 million goal.

ODSB is a hodgepodge of ideas and corporate nonsense that hasn’t caught on since its introduction.At one point, the editorial portion of the site was steal content from Deadspin and other sites. first, They want our content, now they want your money. But in order for these half-baked ideas to survive, these dying unicorns have to gather resources from somewhere.Rogers’ Crowdfunding to keep the fledgling business afloat is the latest sign of their failing business.

Rogers wasn’t just some sideline investor. according to hollywood reporterwhich helped pump water for their crowdfunding campaign, the idea for OSDB apparently arose from a conversation between Rodgers and Rottman about why there was no sports equivalent to IMDB.

“We went to dinner one night, and I just said, ‘As an athlete, do you think you’re going to take advantage of this stuff? Like, do you think it’s going to help you? Do you think people care?'” Rotman recalled. He remembers Rogers asking him if he had told anyone else what he thought. “I said, ‘A couple.’ And he said, ‘Well, stop saying it because there’s a need for that. There’s a void, and I think you and I are the ones who do that.”

You’d think a multi-time NFL MVP could afford this

It all sounds simple enough. Money talks, though, and Rogers was smart enough to walk, instead relying on public money to fund OSDB. Rodgers earned an estimated $305 million during his NFL career. You’d think he’d have some loose couch change to keep the ODSB going. Instead, he relies on the average Joe Schmo.

Investing in a shaky business model Rogers wouldn’t even bet on was akin to buying a stock ocean gate. For $500, they need to find about 2,000 suction cups, or 2,500 at the most, which is very easy to find in this day and age. That’s what Rogers is for.

Celebrity endorsers are used for such things.He buys 1% of Bucks, some celebrities back Home Rowing Machine System, VICIS Zero1 Football Helmet, Yoga, and coffee products, and launched an ambiguous $50 million venture fund deal with sports entertainment influencers.

remember all athletes Investing in FTX and Losing Millions?this miami heat can be restored. Ordinary people were wiped out. Rodgers’ portfolio is not a LeBron James-Maverick Carter-level operation.From one episode he does look like some hipster venture capitalist billionaire black mirror. Rogers is the man who makes big life decisions by dumping himself in a dark cave for a month.

Some of the people reading this are giddy about being a Green Bay Packers-style shareholder in what they see as a pointless redundant platform backed by Aaron Rodgers.However, here is a free tip (You can also send $500 to my CashApp if you want).OSDB’s quarterback no longer invests if talk sparks Don’t get caught up in this nonsense that he has nine figure financial capital in this athlete-centric digital space.

Follow DJ Dunson on Twitter: @cerebralsportex


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