Kesha and Dr. Luke Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Kesha and Dr. Luke Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Kesha and Dr. Luke Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Keisha and Dr Luke settle their long-running legal dispute and release a statement Joint Statement Regarding the settlement of the latter defamation suit.

“God only knows what happened that night,” Keisha’s statement read. “As I have always said, I cannot tell what happened. I look forward to ending this chapter of my life and beginning a new one. I just hope that all parties involved will be at peace.”

Luke added: “While I appreciate Keisha acknowledging once again that she can’t tell what happened that night in 2005, I’m absolutely certain nothing happened. I never drugged or assaulted her and never will. Anyone do that. I fought for my family’s innocence for almost 10 years. It’s time to put this behind me and move on with my life. I wish Keisha all the best.”

Dr Luke’s defamation lawsuit against Keisha is scheduled to go to trial next month. Details of the settlement were unclear.

The story is developing…


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