Loneliness Could Weaken Bone Quality In Men, Study Says

Loneliness Could Weaken Bone Quality In Men, Study Says

People who isolate themselves are at greater risk of stress, cardiovascular disease, mental health and even bone loss. Yes, you heard that right! A new study suggests that social isolation can also affect men’s bone health.

In the study in mice, the researchers assessed the effects of social isolation and bone loss. They found that isolated male mice had lower bone density compared with male mice living in groups.

“While researchers have investigated the negative effects of other forms of psychosocial stress on bones, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, the effects of social isolation on bones have not been thoroughly investigated,” said the researchers. explained.

During the experiment, the researchers evaluated 32 male and female mice and divided them into two groups. One group was housed in social isolation with one mouse per cage, while the other group had four mice per cage.

At the end of the four weeks, the researchers measured bone mass in terms of bone volume fraction and cortical bone thickness. Isolated male mice had a 26% reduction in bone volume and a 9% reduction in cortical bone thickness. They also showed signs of reduced bone remodeling, a process that requires the resorption of old or damaged bone followed by the deposition of new bone material.

However, female mice did not exhibit bone loss after the isolation period, but increased expression of genes involved in bone resorption, which may increase fracture risk.

Although the exact mechanism of isolation-related bone loss has yet to be determined, researchers are evaluating the role of various stress hormones and the body’s sympathetic nervous system. The team believes that women are less affected due to the protective effects of estrogen on bone health.

“Lack of social interaction (may affect) testosterone production and hormonal balance, thereby altering bone metabolism in a negative way. (Probably) female hormonal cycles are less affected at 4 weeks,” Dr. Douglas Landry Jarvis, Charlotte Novant Health plastic surgeon, who was not involved in the study Tell Medical News Today.

“It’s also possible that sequestration works in different ways or on different timescales in male and female mice,” said Rebecca Mountain, lead author of the study.


Published by Medicaldaily.com


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