Nancy Pelosi Says Supreme Court Justices Should Face Term Limits


Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in an interview Sunday that she believes that Supreme Court justices should be subject to term limits as well as ethics regulations.

The former House speaker spoke with Jen Psaki for a segment of MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki” about the court’s credibility being called into question in light of recent news stories about Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito receiving lavish gifts or going on luxury trips sponsored by GOP figures.

The former White House press secretary pointed out that a recent Quinnipiac University poll found that just 30% of American voters approve of the court. The number is notable given that it’s the lowest since the polls began in 2004.

“Are you concerned the Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy?” Psaki asked Pelosi.

Pelosi responded by saying that the court should lay out its own ethics rules, like Chief Justice John Roberts previously said.

She condemned Justices Thomas and Alito for being “so cavalier about their violations of what would be expected of a justice of the Supreme Court.”

“Here we have a body, chosen for life, never had to run for office. Nominated, confirmed for life with no accountability for their ethics behavior. 30% seems high,” Pelosi said, directing the latter part of her response to the poll.

Pelosi also briefly acknowledged the efforts of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Whitehouse, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, sponsored the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, which has not yet passed the House and Senate.

“The legislation would create a much-needed process for investigating misconduct at the Supreme Court, strengthen recusal standards for judges and disclosure rules for special interests trying to influence the courts, improve disclosure of travel and hospitality for judges, and mandate the creation of a binding code of ethics,” according to a press release in February, when the bill was reintroduced.

“Do you think there should be changes, reforms to the Supreme Court — term limits, an expansion?” Psaki asked Pelosi Sunday.

Pelosi said she believed that expanding the court should be a conversation, but then shifted to the topic of term limits.

“But there certainly should be term limits,” she said. “And if nothing else, there should be some ethical rules that would be followed.”


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