Rivers Cuomo Says SZNZ Is Weezer’s Best Album

Rivers Cuomo Says SZNZ Is Weezer’s Best Album

Rivers Cuomo Says SZNZ Is Weezer’s Best Album

Only last month did Rivers Cuomo admit that, yes, Weiser may have put out some “too much” music in recent years.but men don’t regret all His band’s later recordings, recounting vulture He thinks their best album is- no blue album, no Pinkerton — but their four collectives Shenzhen EP.

“Like many artists, I’m usually most excited about what I’ve just made,” Cuomo said in a statement with vulture, He also pointed out that he “doesn’t do what he loves most”.But he did try to pick a favorite Weezer album: “I like summer, autumnand winter All for different reasons. They all came out last year.It’s hard to choose so all I can say is Shenzhen“.

Cuomo cites an example that further proves his point Shenzhen When asked which Weiser song he wished more people would like, he said: “We put out winter There’s also an incredible song called “Iambic Pentameter” that has a crazy guitar solo instrumental passage that we improvise with the orchestra and, oh my god, it’s so much fun. So yes, this may be my first vote. “

Elsewhere, Cuomo pointed to his fondness for deeper cuts such as “Long Sunshine,” “It’s a Good Life,” “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived,” and Pinkerton B-side “I just dumped the love of my dreams.” He also cleared up a misconception about their hit song “Beverly Hills”: “I often hear people think I’m making fun of Beverly Hills when I say ‘that’s I’m being sarcastic when I want to go’.” I’m 100 percent sincere when I write this. “

Weezer is still doing a massive ‘Indie Rock Road Trip’ tour, and you can buy tickets here.


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