Eid-Ul-Adha: Kashmir’s Mutton Market Struggles With Decreasing Demand, Dealers Say


SRINAGAR: The mutton market in Kashmir has faced several challenges in recent years, primarily due to the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and a sluggish market demand, according to dealers.

Mehraj ud Din, General Secretary of Mutton Dealers Kashmir, informed the news agency KNO that the years 2019 to 2021 were marked by subdued market conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was a slight improvement in the market in 2022. Unfortunately, this year’s market conditions are not favorable.

“Demand in the market has been declining compared to previous years, and we cannot provide accurate supply data as we cater to market demands. Our stock includes various varieties such as Kaju Wala, Desi, Marwar, Haryanvi, Gujarati, and others,” he explained.

He further mentioned that they source stock from outside states as the local stock has not been adequately nourished yet, considering the season for the livestock to be fully ready has not arrived.

Regarding the current market situation and estimated data of stock sold, he stated that people are still purchasing stock, and the exact data can only be determined after Eid. They collect data from various sources and compare daily figures to provide accurate numbers after Eid.

Livestock sellers at Srinagar’s famous Eidgah Ground also informed KNO that the market is currently very sluggish, similar to last year when it was also slow.

Noor Mohammad, a local livestock seller, stated that ten to fifteen days ago, the market was bustling with crowds, but this year, there is a low footfall at Eidgah. The prices are reasonable, but the number of people visiting is significantly less.

“Prices are almost the same everywhere, but there is a difference in breed preference. Some prefer local livestock, while others prefer those from outside. The prices of sheep and goats also vary depending on their breed,” he explained.

Another livestock seller mentioned that a goat costs around 320 to 330 rupees per kilogram, while a sheep costs between Rs 400 and 450/kg. The price mainly depends on the breed.

Meanwhile, locals purchasing sacrificial animals at Eidgah Srinagar stated that the prices there are mixed, and there is a wide availability of different breeds—(KNO)


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