People With This Blood Group May Be More Prone To Contracting COVID-19

People With This Blood Group May Be More Prone To Contracting COVID-19

Does your blood type make you susceptible to COVID-19? According to one study, it does.

Although the idea that people with blood type A were at higher risk of contracting the deadly virus arose early in the pandemic, scientists lacked the evidence to back it up.However, the new study, published Tuesday in the journal Bloodwhich seems to confirm this idea.

People with typical blood types are 20-30% more likely to be infected with the new coronavirus, new research suggests. The type A population makes up one-third of the U.S. population, outpacing the type O population (nearly half of Americans) in this regard, said Dr. Sean Stowell, an associate professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and lead author of the study.research tells wealth.

Type A blood is an added disadvantage for those with other underlying problems causing COVID-19. Although factors such as compromised immunity, diabetes, obesity or other health conditions may put a person at higher risk, blood type A is more likely than type O to be infected with the pathogen in a person infected with COVID-19, Stowell said.

There is a lot of evidence that the relationship between blood type and COVID-19 is still evolving, with most studies establishing a link between higher risk of COVID-19 and blood type A and AB, Group O, on the other hand, was considered less susceptible.

The original study sparked a series of other studies Research This definitely confirms the link.

But then there were contradictions. For example, published in ” JAMA In April 2021, the researchers examined about 108,000 COVID-19 cases. They concluded that there was no evidence of a link between blood type and the risk of contracting COVID-19. However, the researchers hope that future studies will find the link.

To be sure, anyone, maybe everyone, is susceptible to the virus. In fact, most Americans have probably had the virus at some point, even without realizing it.This information comes from data Collected by U.S. public health officials who analyze people’s blood samples obtained from commercial laboratories for antibodies to the novel coronavirus, focusing on those who have been infected, not those who have been vaccinated.

Although the epidemic has passed announce the end, which doesn’t mean we can ignore the relevance of research on the link between blood type and COVID-19.The virus is still circulating in large numbers and has the potential to evolve into more viruses Dangerous variant. Understanding how blood type affects susceptibility can provide valuable insights into how viruses behave and help us develop better prevention and treatments.

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