Finland is home to the world’s happiest people—and their No. 1 secret is this 500-year-old mindset

Finland is home to the world’s happiest people—and their No. 1 secret is this 500-year-old mindset

“Sisu” is a concept and way of life embedded in Finnish culture. 500 years.

It doesn’t have a direct translation, but the emphasis is on determination and perseverance. It’s about the courage to forge ahead in the face of adversity and near-impossibility.

For six consecutive years, Finland ranks first The happiest country in the world. Having lived here most of my life, I believe sisu plays an important role in our well-being and ability to maintain a positive and resilient mindset.

As a psychologist, I have dedicated my career to teaching people how to incorporate sisu into their lives. Here’s my best advice:

1. Look for something other than yourself.

according to Research from a psychologist Angela Duckworthwe can afford more as we strive to contribute to a world beyond our own.

To gather first-hand data on sisu for my PhD research, I completed a 1,500-mile running expedition across New Zealand. I work to raise awareness about domestic violence. Every time I start to feel worn out or on the verge of giving up, turning to bigger goals helps me keep going.

Find a larger purpose to connect with when you take on a new challenge or need the strength to keep going. It could be your family or friends, or someone who inspires you, or your deepest cause.

2. Improve resilience through training.

Before running, I trained almost every day for two years. Even if I don’t feel like tying my shoes, I do lace up my running shoes. Rain or shine, I’m always there.

Practice and preparation make it easier to harness our inner sisu.Research shows that our bodies have implicit reserve It naturally utilizes them when we need them most. So, the more we challenge ourselves, the more we develop habits that build resilience.

Focusing on my breathing to calm my nervous system is a strategy to improve my running. Over time, I went from being a beginner to doing 10 to 15 miles a day.

3. Treat yourself well and get close to nature.

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