Ex-Wet Leg Member Whines About Not Getting Songwriting Credit

Ex-Wet Leg Member Whines About Not Getting Songwriting Credit

Ex-Wet Leg Member Whines About Not Getting Songwriting Credit

Doug Richards, a former member of Wet Leg and ex-boyfriend of the group’s current frontman Rhian Teasdale, has accused the indie rock star of not sharing what he claims to be with others. The composition of the song is credited to him.

in a new interview era Britain’s Richards explained that he formed Wet Leg with Teasdale and Hester Chambers in 2019, but was kicked out of the group after his seven-year on-and-off relationship with Teasdale ended permanently.

Richards’ first complaint about his former bandmates was the names they continued to use. Tisdale and Chambers shared several Wet Legs origin stories — one was a game of combining two random emoji, the other referenced hometown slang — but Richards apparently remembers it differently .

“Over the years, a couple of friends and I have had some silly list of band names,” he says. “Anytime you think of an interesting combination of words, you write it down. One of them is wet book. My brother misheard it and said, ‘Oh, you should call it wet legs.’ “Ryan wasn’t sure. But it seemed to be working.”

It was a small hill worth dying for, but there was more to it than that. He claims he helped write two songs — “Oh No” and “Too Late Now” — that appear on Wet Leg’s Grammy-winning debut album. “I was terrified of trying to approach the subject,” he added. “But I did write (those songs) and they were documented. So I probably deserve the recognition.”

Teasdale said that a large part wet legs Inspired by the breakup, but she never mentioned Richards directly. Still, he has issues with about five songs that refer vaguely to him, namely “Your Mama” and “Wet Dreams,” the latter of which contains the poignant: “What makes you think you’re good enough to consider me?” When you touch yourself? “

“Wet Dream” helped Wet Leg gain international fame, so much so that Harry Styles even sang a cover of the song. “Harry Styles did a cover of a song about me ejaculating, which was hilarious,” Richards said. (He owes Tisdale a “thank you” for that alone, if you ask us.)

Never mind that Richards is now engaged and has a baby—he’s still very, very miserable that he wasn’t included in the success stories of two talented women. “I kept thinking, ‘Why does it have to be the No. 1 album? Isn’t it just No. 4 or something?” he said, adding that he found Tisdale “hard to be happy.” This feels especially sad, even in the grand scheme of men’s success through women.

Richards concluded by saying that he “wanted to feel more at peace with it all,” leaving us dumbfounded why he was willing to let a major publication interview him for this story. He was, in Tisdale’s own words, “a bit of a piece of shit.”

However, Wet Leg still had the last laugh as they will soon be supporting the Foo Fighters on their UK tour.Grab votes here.


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