Application Opens For SERB Award


SRINAGAR: SERB-TETRA (Science and Engineering Research Board-Technology Translation Award) 2023 is an opportunity offered by the SERB to PhD or MD, MS, MDS, or MVSc degree holders. The last date to apply is August 10, 2023.

SERB-TETRA would be awarded to Principal Investigators (PIs) who have clearly demonstrated the translational potential of their research (patents, etc.) and have established contact with industrial partners for fast-track graduation to the prototype stage and beyond.

TETRA Support will help entities with successful ideas kick-start new venture processes. With seed capital, flexible working spaces, and interaction between mentors and start-up entrepreneurs, the SERB-TETRA will expand the scope by providing numerous networking opportunities, followed by presenting the finished prototype to an audience of large investors, established MSMEs and private companies, and public sector enterprises.

For eligibility, the applicant must be an Indian citizen, hold a regular academic or research position in a recognised academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognised R and D institution in India with at least three years of service remaining, and hold a PhD degree in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, or an MD, MS, MDS, or MVSc degree at the time of applying for the grant.

The documents required include a biodata, a certificate from the principal investigator or inventor, an endorsement letter from the head of the institution, documents related to technology transfer from a completed or ongoing project, a support letter if there is any tie-up with any start-up or industry, and plagiarism undertaking.

Eligible applicants can register themselves on their online website. After the registration, the applicants are required to fill out the details of the patent, publications in the last 5 years, projects, research collaborations, and academic supervision of all investigators.

The selected fellows will receive an award up to INR 15 lakh per year, and the funding will be provided normally for a period of two years.

For more information and to apply,


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