Youngest MP since 1667 quits and blasts ‘toxic Westminster environment’


The youngest MP elected since 1667 is quitting at the next election, blasting Westminster’s “toxic environment”.

Mhairi Black said Parliament is “one of the most unhealthy workplaces you could ever be in” and said she is stepping down because she is “tired”.

The SNP’s deputy leader in Westminster, who was elected in 2015 aged 20, said it is a “poisonous place”.

She told Global’s News Agents podcast: “I am stepping down at the next election.

“I am tired, is a big part of it, and the thing that makes me tired is Westminster is one of the most unhealthy workplaces you could ever be in.

“It is a toxic environment. Just the entire design of the place and how it functions is just the opposite of everything that I find comfortable…

“It’s definitely a poisonous place. Whether that’s because of what folk can get away with in it or the number of personal motivations and folk having ulterior motives for things, and it is just not a nice place to be in.”


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