BRICS Confident in New Expansion Criteria Ahead of 2023 Summit


The BRICS emissaries are reportedly confident in the new expansion criteria that they have devised ahead of the bloc’s 2023 summit. Moreover, the ambassadors are preparing to present the new guidelines to the heads of state at the Johannesburg-based event. 

The expansion of the bloc has long been seen as a vital development for the upcoming summit. Nevertheless, the news arrives as 20 countries have approached South African President Cyril Ramaphosa about their entry. Since its rising prominence in recent weeks, the bloc has been inundated with requests to join its ranks. Something that should come to fruition at the Summit. 

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BRICS Finalizing Criteria for Expansion

For several months, the BRICS bloc has been discussing the potential for its expansion. Moreover, with a host of countries expressing interest, the bloc has firmly established itself as a voice for the global south. Subsequently, with its annual gathering slated to take place in August, expansion could be on its way to becoming a reality. 

Now, BRICS ambassadors are reportedly confident in the established criteria for expansion ahead of the bloc’s 2023 summit. Indeed, the emissaries for the bloc “believe they have come up with a suitable set of standards and criteria for admitting new members,” a report states. 

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The economic alliance currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Yet they have long engaged in discussions about potential growth beyond those nations. It appears as though the newly devised standards should open the door for countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt to join their growing bloc. 

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The guidelines for admission are currently being kept secret by the ambassadors. However, they reportedly came to fruition after a two-day meeting that took place in Durban. Subsequently, they are preparing to present the guidelines to the alliance heads of state. 

South Africa is preparing to host the summit, where vital aspects of the bloc’s future will be discussed. Since previous reports have suggested a common currency is not part of immediate plans, expansion should be front and center. There is the expectation that several countries will be confirmed to join the bloc shortly after the summit. 


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