G7 announces long-term security guarantees for Ukraine

G7 announces long-term security guarantees for Ukraine

The G7 leaders reaffirmed our unwavering commitment to the strategic goal of a free, independent, democratic and sovereign Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, capable of defending itself and deterring future aggression. At the 2023 NATO summit next to the main media center in Vilnius, Lithuania, July 12, 2023.

Artur Vidak | Noor Photos | Getty Images

The G7 unveiled Ukraine’s long-term security framework on Wednesday, saying it would seek to implement a reform agenda to help provide Kiev with “the good governance it needs to advance its Euro-Atlantic aspirations”.

“We consider Russia’s unlawful and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine a threat to international peace and security, a flagrant violation of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, and incompatible with our security interests,” the G7 said. explain in a joint statement of support.

“We will stand with Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression for as long as needed.”

The joint statement outlined how the G7 would support Ukraine in the long-term, saying the countries would ensure “a sustainable force capable of defending Ukraine now and deterring Russian aggression in the future” by providing modern military equipment, training, and training at sea, land and air. Ukrainian military and intelligence sharing.

The G7 said it would also seek to strengthen Ukraine’s economic stability, including through recovery efforts, “to create conditions conducive to the promotion of Ukraine’s economic prosperity”.

The two countries have vowed to provide technical and financial support for Ukraine’s immediate needs as a result of a full-scale Russian aggression.

The statement said it recognized “the need for an international mechanism to compensate for damage, loss or injury caused by Russian aggression”.

In return for its support, Ukraine will commit to continuing to implement reforms, including in the areas of law enforcement, anti-corruption and corporate governance, the G7 statement said.

Moscow has sharply criticized the G7’s security commitment to Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in Google-translated comments on Wednesday that the G7’s intention to provide security guarantees to Ukraine was “wrong and dangerous” because it violated Russia’s security. Collected by Russian state news agency TASS.

Earlier in the day, EU member London said it expected the Group of Seven nations to agree on Wednesday “an important international framework for Ukraine’s long-term security” that would “delineate how allies will support Ukraine in ending the war and supporting Ukraine in the coming years”. Block and respond to any future attacks. “

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Supporting their progress on the path to NATO membership, combined with formal, multilateral and bilateral agreements and the overwhelming support of NATO members, will send a strong signal to President Putin to get Europe back on track. Peace.”

“A very specific signal”

The G7 announcement follows NATO’s failure to invite Ukraine to join the military alliance in Tuesday’s communiqué, which Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg had predicted would include “information on the way forward” on its membership. Strong, positive message.”

“When the allies agree and the conditions are fulfilled, we will be able to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance.” The communiqué saidStressing that NATO member states have formalized a “substantial package to expand political and practical support” and decided to create a NATO-Ukraine Council, Kiev and its allies will have equal status in decision-making and consultations.

The communiqué did not disclose the progress of Kiev’s accession to the Union. Echoing the 2008 Bucharest NATO Summit Statementduring which the Allies agreed to membership of Ukraine and Georgia.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky slammed the lack of a timetable for Ukraine’s accession as “unprecedented and absurd.” Google Translate Reviews “Uncertainty is weakness,” he said on Telegram, and “for Russia, this means motivation to continue terrorist activities.”

He struck a more conciliatory tone at a joint news conference with Stoltenberg on Wednesday, saying that “Ukraine understands that it cannot be a member of NATO as long as the war continues” and that “no one wants to explode.” World War, that’s logical” and understandable. “

Having failed to join NATO, Zelensky praised the prospects for a security framework.

“The best news for Ukraine is to join NATO. We want security on our way to NATO,” he said.

“If the G7 agreed to the first statement of assurances today, it would be a very specific issue,” he added. “It’s very important and it will be a very concrete signal (to Russia).”


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