Icing out Hunter’s tot: Letters to the Editor — July 12, 2023


The Issue: The Bidens’ failure to publicly acknowledge Navy Roberts, Hunter Biden’s daughter.

So President Biden, who has clearly exaggerated or created “facts” and invented stories, can now not own up to a factual reality (“Joe ‘scars’ grandchild,” July 9)?

He is the grandfather of a 4-year-old, fathered by his son. Clearly the president has faked his famous empathy.

They hung stockings at Christmas for the accepted grandkids and for the dog. I don’t know where to begin.

Amy Hendel


I’ll be candid about this: I voted for Biden, although it was mostly out of my distaste for Donald Trump.

Among Trump’s many flaws, in my eyes, was his obvious disregard for his daughter Tiffany, arising mainly from his disdain for his ex-wife Marla Maples.

Biden, on the other hand, evidently forgave his prodigal son Hunter and even invited him to the White House. I regarded this as a virtue in Biden.

What I hadn’t realized was that Biden refuses to recognize his granddaughter by Hunter. The president only recognizes six grandchildren, and Hunter’s daughter Navy is consistently ignored.

She at least merits acknowledgment and affection from her grandfather. Please, Mr. President, give the child a break and welcome her into the family. It’s not asking much.

Mike Barrett

Ashburn, Va.

How ironic that Biden proclaimed: “There is no such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”

Why then, has he rejected Navy Joan Roberts? Doesn’t she deserve a place at the table?

James Evans

Worcester, Mass.

Lack of acknowledgment of an act does not make it go away.

The Biden administration has tried many times to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes. In this particular instance, the evidence is alive and breathing.

The president once again shows a lack of respect and honesty by not recognizing another one of Hunter’s miscalculations. Sadly, this time it takes place at a human level and in the form of an innocent child.

As a supposed Catholic (in name only), Biden will face a Judgment Day.

Doc Ludemann

Bridgeport, Conn.

The Issue: A man who allegedly killed one person and shot three more while riding a scooter.

This act of depraved, barbaric savagery epitomizes the depth of insanity that New York City has plummeted to (“Hell off wheels,” July 10).

A deranged lunatic has been charged with mercilessly shooting and murdering a defenseless 86-year-old man, who was walking to a prayer service, and then proceeding to callously shoot three others.

Too often, we read about these acts of homicidal madness and shrug our heads and turn the page. It is not until a loved one is the victim that we become truly incensed and overwhelmed with life-altering grief.

When voting, we should turn the page on these feckless, deplorable politicians, who allow such horrific violence to endure and devastate families.

Denis David

East Rockaway

Welcome to New York City: The Land of the Democrats.

As if we haven’t fallen far enough, we now have scooter-riding, gun-wielding nut jobs riding around Queens and Brooklyn, randomly shooting and killing people.

Standby for the Dems to pontificate about stiffer gun laws and how we need to spend more money on mental health. Neither will work.

The truth is the Democrats have failed miserably. This latest incident speaks for itself.

Michael D’Auria


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.


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