New Deadly Virus Is Spreading Across Europe; May Cause Future Pandemic, Says WHO

New Deadly Virus Is Spreading Across Europe; May Cause Future Pandemic, Says WHO

Another worrying virus is spreading across Europe, a report says, which many experts believe could lead to the next pandemic.

The disease, known as Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), is a potentially fatal fever caused by a virus that is now listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as potentially causing widespread outbreaks and mass outbreaks. List of prevalent priority pathogens. Forbes The report said.

As climate change warms the planet, the warming environment favors habitat expansion for ticks that can carry and transmit the Nerovirus that causes CCHF, especially in more temperate regions of Europe.

For example, Spain recorded its first cases of the virus in 2011 and 2016.

“Hemorrhagic” in CCHF makes the disease dangerous because it means profuse bleeding. About four days after symptoms appear, CCHF can progress to severe bruising, nosebleeds, and persistent bleeding from any site of skin punctured by a sharp object such as a needle.

Bleeding, which can last nearly two weeks, has killed 9% to 50% of hospitalized patients during outbreaks.

Even if a person survives CCHF, recovery may take longer than usual because the bleeding does not stop after recovering from the virus.

While there is currently no specific treatment for CCHF, the antiviral drug ribavirin is available to treat patients. However, it is still under further research.

In 2022, the World Health Organization has launched a global scientific process to update its list of “priority pathogens,” or pathogens with the potential to cause an outbreak or pandemic.

“Researching and developing countermeasures against priority pathogens and virus families is critical to quickly and effectively responding to epidemics and pandemics,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, the center’s executive director. WHO Health Emergencies Programexpressed in 2022.

“Development of a safe and effective vaccine in record time would not have been possible without substantial R&D investment prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

With this initiative, WHO is trying to prevent possible viral outbreaks by directing global investment in research and development, especially in vaccines, testing and treatments.

“This list of priority pathogens has become the point of reference on which the research community should focus its efforts to tackle the next threat,” said Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO Chief Scientist.

“It was developed with experts in the field and is the agreed direction that we as the global research community need to dedicate energy and money to develop tests, treatments and vaccines. We are grateful to donors such as the U.S. government, our partners and our partnership with the WHO Organizational collaboration of scientists that makes this possible.”

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