What We Do In the Shadows’s Future Could Go Beyond Season 6

What We Do In the Shadows’s Future Could Go Beyond Season 6

what do we do in the shadows FX will renew the show for seasons 5 and 6 in 2022, ensuring we’ll at least get one more glimpse of the antics of Staten Island’s beloved bumbling vampire. The potential for the series to go beyond that is enormous.As star Kristen Schaal explains result“I think it’s one of the most unique shows the cast has ever put on. The writers, the producers, the director — everyone I’ve talked to on the show doesn’t want to leave it. Because it has the ability to be anything it wants .”

For actors, relative job security brings a kind of comfort. “It’s nice to know as much as you can about what’s going to happen in your life if you can,” said Natasia Demetriou, who plays Nadja the Longevity. “Because if you don’t know (whether the show has been renewed), there’s always the possibility that you’ll say, ‘So bye, that’s it.'” gratified. Well, I have 10 more coming up. “

“It really helps you relax and have fun instead of overthinking every moment of the show,” says Mark Proksh, who plays energy vampire Colin Robinson.

However, while knowing that at least one more season is confirmed is a perk, what keeps the cast excited about the prospect of additional seasons is the show’s ability to change. “We live in a ‘vampires can exist’ reality, where anything can happen and everything is on the table,” Shaar said. “It’s refreshing that comedy can be totally irreverent, and our characters can turn into smoke. Our characters live on forever. Our characters can transform. You know, you can shorten time to a hundred years later and we’re still alive. You could do a flashback episode to 2,000 years ago and we might still be alive. It’s the most creative playground imaginable.”

Demetrio noted that the writers were committed to creating new scenarios for these characters, “That’s maybe one of the reasons the show can go on because they reinvented everything. I think the writers had a purpose,’ Well, let’s change it completely. Let’s emphasize this element of the character. Let’s focus on this relationship.”

Shaar has only recently become a regular on the show, appearing on the show repeatedly for several seasons, but says, even if only part-time, “I know that when I go to work or when I’m invited to hang out with people, I’m going to do something I something that’s never been done before. I’m not going to say, ‘Oh, this scene again. How can I make this time different from the last time I ordered coffee and stuff? No, it’s like, ‘You’re going to talk to a demon. You have to fly here. You will resurrect a new soul. It was so much fun. “

After Shar finished speaking, I asked her co-star, Harvey Gillen, how he felt about the experience. “It’s okay,” he replied deadpan.

what do we do in the shadow future

What We Do in the Shadows (FX)


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