Why this CEO thinks experience can be overrated

Why this CEO thinks experience can be overrated

When it comes to putting together a team to work on, experience may not be the most important thing. Darktrace CEO Poppy Gustafsson explains why.

When it comes to building a great team, experience is often the first factor you look for. But should it be so?

According to Poppy Gustafsson, CEO of cybersecurity firm Darktrace, the experience may be overrated.

“In the early days of Darktrace, we were brainstorming how to shorten the sales cycle. At the time, we did a three-month proof of value because that’s what the rest of the industry was doing,” Poppy Gustafsson explained to CNBC.

“One of the young graduates in the room had been working with us for less than a year at the time before he came up with a great idea: Why are we doing a three-month proof of value? Why not just do it in three months ? How many weeks?”

This suggestion changed the company’s business model and has never looked back.

“Since then, we’ve been able to shorten the sales cycle by two-thirds,” Gustafson said.

“To me, it’s a great example that even when we try to think outside the boundaries, it takes people who don’t feel weighed down by knowing how things have always been done to be able to think creatively with fresh perspectives and common ground .Feel.”

This is just one of Poppy Gustafsson’s biggest lessons. Watch the video above to learn more.


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