Azad’s DPAP Wrests Baramulla MC Top Slot


SRINAGAR: Former JK Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad-led DPAP on Friday won the elections to the post of Baramulla Municipal Council chairman.

DPAP candidate Umer Kakroo was declared the newly elected chairman of Baramulla MC after he defeated his opponent Tauseef Raina by a margin of single vote.

Out of 18 votes, Kakroo got nine votes while his opponent, Touseef Raina got eight votes. One vote was rejected as the councilor (Ashiq Ahmed Ganaie @ Ashiq MLA) opted to stay away from the secret ballot voting.

Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) chief Ghulam Nabi Azad congratulated the newly elected Baramulla president. “Congratulations to Umar Kakroo on being elected as Chairman, Municipal Council Baramulla. A monumental victory for DPAP in Kashmir. Kudos to Kakroo sahib, Distt President Shoaib Lone sahib, and all DPAP members for their dedicated efforts in securing this prestigious position. I’m confident that the team will work diligently to fulfill their promises and serve the people,” he tweeted.

The post of the president was lying vacant after Raina lost a floor test to a no-confidence motion moved by councilors against him on May 25.

“This is the victory of my people, my councilors. We will work together as a team to carry out the development activities in MC Baramulla,” Kakroo who has  also served as the president of the council in the past for three years when he was a part of Congress party.

Meanwhile, former MC President Touseef Raina said that he will continue to work for the betterment of Baramulla.(KNO)


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