“I Warned You in 1984”

“I Warned You in 1984”

“I Warned You in 1984”

James Cameron, addressing the rise of artificial intelligence, is effectively saying: “I told you so”.during an interview CCTV Newsthe filmmaker cites his sci-fi classic terminator While sharing his concerns about the threat artificial intelligence poses to humanity.

“I warned you in 1984 and you didn’t listen,” he told chief political reporter Vassy Kapelos, explaining that we have to examine who is developing the technology and whether they are doing it for profit (“teach it to be greedy”) or for military defense (“teach it to be paranoid”).

He continued, “I think we’re going to get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with artificial intelligence, and if we don’t build it, someone else will build it, and then it will upgrade. You can imagine an artificial intelligence on the battlefield, and the whole thing is just a computer fighting at a speed that humans can no longer mediate, and you have no ability to degrade.”

exist terminatorIn “Skynet,” Cameron and co-author Gail Anne Hurd envision a scenario in which an artificially intelligent defense network called “Skynet” has become self-aware and nearly destroys humanity. Forty years on, this no longer feels like science fiction, but potential reality.

In other places interviewCameron expressed his views on the use of artificial intelligence robots to write movie scripts, which is one of the sticking points in the ongoing WGA strike. In that regard, he doesn’t feel threatened by AI’s ability to encroach on his technology.

“I personally don’t think that a disembodied mind is just repeating what other physical minds have said — about the life they’ve had, about love, about lies, about fear, about death — and put it all together into a word salad and repeat it,” he said. “I don’t believe there’s anything that moves an audience. You have to be human to write something like that.”

Cameron added that he was “certainly not interested” in AI writing his scripts: “Let’s wait 20 years and if AI wins the Best Screenplay Oscar, I think we have to take them seriously.”

Earlier this month, Titanic The director clarified rumors that he was working on a movie about the Ocean Gate tragedy. He was one of the most prominent voices criticizing the company for ignoring warnings about the submersible’s structure after a submersible used to maintain tours of the Titanic’s wreck exploded.


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