Dahlia Flower For Fighting Diabetes? Study Says Petal Extract Helps In Blood Sugar Control

Dahlia Flower For Fighting Diabetes? Study Says Petal Extract Helps In Blood Sugar Control

Scientists appear to have found a potential cure for diabetes, a chronic health condition that affects millions of people around the world. An extract of dahlia flower petals may help control blood sugar in people with diabetes, according to a new study.

A team led by Alexander Tups at the University of Otago in New Zealand has discovered that the key to improving blood sugar regulation is suppressing brain inflammation induced by a Western diet.

In their search for an anti-inflammatory plant molecule that might improve blood sugar control, they discovered the plant polyphenol echinacea, a natural product found in dahlias.

“We then found that the dahlia plant was a culturable source of this molecule, and that it contained two additional plant molecules that enhanced the effect of the original molecule. This specifically blocked brain inflammation and improved blood sugar regulation in preclinical trials,” Tups said in a report Press Releases.

In preclinical animal studies, researchers found that the extract reduced brain inflammation, increased sensitivity to insulin function, and improved blood sugar regulation. In a crossover clinical trial, dahlia extract significantly improved blood sugar regulation in participants with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, with no observed side effects.survey results study Published in the journal Life Metabolism.

People with uncontrolled blood sugar can develop serious health problems, including kidney failure, blindness, stroke and heart disease.

“Impaired blood sugar regulation is a debilitating disease that affects millions of people around the world. I hope and I really believe that the results of our in-depth research will benefit people living with this disease,” added Tups.

The team has patented the extract and with the help of Otago Innovations Limited (OIL), developed a tablet Called Dahlia4, it uses flower extracts to improve blood sugar control. This drug has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

“This product provides a unique blend of nutritional compounds to support normal blood sugar and insulin levels. Trials have shown that this can be very useful for those diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, helping to stop the progression of the disease,” said OIL Team Leader Dr. Graham Strong.

Published by Medicaldaily.com


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