How To with John Wilson Season 3: A Thought-Provoking Finale

How To with John Wilson Season 3: A Thought-Provoking Finale

court: In the final season of John Wilson’s HBO docu-series, we revisit six utterly unique journeys through the human he did in the first two seasons how to with john wilsonDocumentary filmmakers set out to explore microscopic issues—how to find a public bathroom in New York City, how to clean your ears, how to watch a “game,” how to exercise.

But these questions, and the tangents Wilson follows in his quest, ultimately lead to larger questions about life and existence. Throughout season three, Wilson finds himself on each of his journeys starting in New York City, followed by a thread that leads him to various corners of America — Burning Man, a cryogenic facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, a vacuum cleaner convention/contest/community in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

As Wilson travels to these unexpected locations and stumbles upon these unlikely stories, he begins to reflect on the significance of these details, turning the camera on himself and questioning his preconceived notions. Since this is the final season of his first TV show, it’s clear that Wilson’s mission is even more urgent than before.he thinks successful howThe first two seasons of the show and wondered how pointless it all was. He reflects on his relationship with masculinity, having children and dying alone. In one episode, he even explores his show’s relationship to “truth,” and the pitfalls and liberations of presenting a fictional portrayal of life.

While the ideas do weigh heavily, Wilson’s zany humor and slices of life add some much-needed lightheartedness. This time, however, there is less emphasis on the eccentricities of the interviewees and more focus on thematic context. The resulting season was undoubtedly the best of the three, and it was a heartfelt one for Wilson and co. End the show.

Road trip of a lifetime: As previously mentioned, although much of Wilson’s footage comes from the streets and establishments of New York City, he spends most of season three on the road. In many episodes, his adventures outside the city’s safe walls have led to some truly unpredictable interactions—Wilson’s insistence on delving further into his subjects’ lives often leads to tense, absurd scenes, but this time his confidence reaches mesmerizing heights, and season three feels both cathartic and unsettling.

There are quirky, canonical core explorations of various communities, like the vacuum cleaner collector he befriends in How To Watch The Game, or the giant pumpkin harvester in How To Work Out. But there are also more impassioned guests—the gun-firing neighbor in “How to Clean Your Ears” adds an almost shocking air of violence and American liberal vanity, while ex-cop Bruce Beveridge in “How to Watch the Birds” is full of rich, multifaceted character studies.

How To with John Wilson HBO Max Season 3 Review

How To With John Wilson (HBO)


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