BRICS to Become a Global Superpower?


The geopolitical discourse has undoubtedly involved the growth of the BRICS economic bloc. The year has seen the alliance continue to become a voice for the global south in its hope. to bring about a multipolar world. Yet, could its actions eventually catapult BRICS to become a global superpower? 

The economic alliance has certainly embraced competition with the G7 countries. Moreover, it has gained ground on the West through its GDP growth and potential expansion. Subsequently, as the summit nears, its ascension feels less like a possibility, and more like an inevitability. Where that ascension stops could dictate a geopolitical landscape that is immensely different. 

Source: Reuters

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BRICS Potential as a Global Superpower

Since Western sanctions were placed on Russia, it has firmly embraced its closest allies. Moreover, the actions had worked counterintuitively to the intention. Instead of driving allies away, it fortified those partnerships. Interstingly, they were solidified under the banner of exhaustion over Western ideals, antics, and activities. 

Subsequently, the bloc embraced de-dollarization, using that renewed influence to drive down reliance on the US dollar. Therefore, there is immense potential for an entire alliance dedicated to shifting the global power balance. In turn, it could potentially set itself on the trajectory of geopolitical competition. 

UAE BRICS Putin Russia
Source: / Alexey Nikolsky / Getty Images

Yet, does all of this still mean that the BRICS could become a global superpower? Well, not exactly. Currently, the alliance is still a ways away from the transitional view of such an entity. The 20th and 21st centers saw these kinds of superpower blocs differ greatly from the alleged focus of the BRICS. 

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Specifically, BRICS emphasizes its cooperative stance and has reiterated its focus on developing countries. Indeed, it has seemingly sought to overcome differences for the many to gain instead of the few. What is interesting is that the bloc has seemingly answered Western ideals that haven’t really manifested as such. 

A Multipolar World

BRICS Leaders
Source: Wikipedia Commons

Rivals, like China and India, have put aside their differences to enforce and project this kind of approach. Therefore, it does fall under the traditional superpower moniker that past alliances would have. Yet, it still has tremendous growth that could soon vault it into those discussions.

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BRICS countries have a combined GDP of $26 trillion, with over 3.27 billion people and 26.7% of the world’s land area, according to a recent report. Moreover, China and Russia represent some of the most powerful economic countries on the planet. Combining to hold up the overall alliance.

The alliance is certainly committed to deteriorating Western influence globally, but it has not outright established competition. Therefore, it doesn’t seem as though global superpower status is truly its goal. Instead, it appears as though the BRICS currency is seeking what it has continuously stated; multipolarity in the global sphere. 


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