DA-recall effort: Bay Area liberals finally see common sense on crime


Much as absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute progressive control corrupts everything.

And California’s Bay Area residents have seen the social rot that occurs when these political succubi are elevated to positions of power.

They’ve watched as San Francisco, a once-vibrant city that attracted people from all over the world, has had its life force drained out of it by irreverent ideologues enamored with policies that validate their belief system — and the people be damned.

But there are signs the ashes of former greatness are birthing a phoenix constructed out of enraged business owners, residents and victims’ families who are taking aim at the indifferent actors in power actively aiding and abetting their home’s destruction.

A grassroots coalition called Save Alameda County For Everyone (SAFE) just filed a notice to recall Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, citing the rise in crime and lawlessness under her seven-month stint in the county, whose seat is Oakland.

“We are unified in our belief that recalling Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is not only necessary but critical to keeping our community safe and restoring public safety in our neighborhoods.” SAFE said.

“We know that recalling a public official is a long and arduous process necessitating a large and sustained grassroots effort, however, we are resolved to remove Price from office, because our safety and that of our families is at stake.”

A grassroots coalition called Save Alameda County For Everyone (SAFE) just filed a notice to recall Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, citing the rise in crime and lawlessness under her seven-month stint in the county.
David G. McIntyre

As usual, when progressive elitists are faced with fair criticisms of their failure, they claim you’re politically motivated and right-wing.

“In what appears to be a page out of the Jan. 6 playbook, outside special-interest groups, supported by the Republican Party, are trying to seize control from local voters because they refuse to accept the results of a legitimate, democratic election to remove the status quo,” Price bemoaned.

Even the local NAACP is calling for a state of emergency over soaring crime and blaming Price for the continued dysfunction in Oakland: Is the NAACP right-wing too?

Progressives in power always accuse people who oppose their belief system, highlight their political failures and attempt to hold them accountable of being right-wing because literally everyone is to the right of them politically, including liberals.

One common mistake conservatives make is lumping these unaccountable failures into the category of “liberal” when they’re far from it in political ideology and behavior: I would know because I was one.

There is nothing liberal about allowing people to use and sell drugs openly steps away from City Hall like in San Francisco.

There is no rational liberal who would accept that some people should gain leniency in criminal sentencing because of their immutable characteristics, as Price does.

These aren’t liberal concepts, but the trick is to make you believe they are.

Think about it: San Francisco has been a “liberal city” for decades, so why has it suddenly turned into Gotham City in a matter of a few years?

A homeless drug user on the street in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco, California on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
There is now a “doom loop” tour of San Francisco to see how far the city has fallen.
David G. McIntyre

It’s because the people who are in the most powerful and influential positions in the Bay Area aren’t liberals, but the liberals let them take over.

I watched as the Democratic Party, a party that once proudly called itself liberal, transformed into an illiberal progressive hive-mind that catered to the fraction of upper-class elitist ideologues who flaunt their grandiose ideas that inevitably result in a downtrodden communist wasteland.

The moderate liberals’ irrational panic over fighting the big bad wolf that is Donald Trump distracted them from noticing a different and more detrimental ideological wolf had already entered their henhouse.

But every failure becomes an opportunity for a renaissance, and it’s possible we are slowly starting to see this happening in the Bay Area.

With former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin’s ouster last year, a horrendous 66% disapproval rating for San Francisco Mayor London Breed and now the effort to recall Price, we might be seeing signs of a revival — or, at minimum, a realization.

It’s possible some Bay Area liberals are realizing progressives do not care if they destroy your prosperity, comfort or safety; they only care about their dogma.

They’re obligated to deconstruct society to reshape it into their utopian vision, and they have no qualms about annihilating anyone who stands in their way to accomplish this impossibility: Yes, that includes you too, liberal.

Coalitions like SAFE and other outraged residents are finally choosing to rise from the broken glass on the ground left over from another car theft to fight back against the people who use their absolute power to commit absolute devastation.

Liberal, the enemy you should be most worried about isn’t to the right of you: Look the other way.

Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing. Follow him on Substack: adambcoleman.substack.com.


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