Kristen Bell Earns Praise for Advocating Non-Alcoholic Beer Consumption for Her Kids


In a recent statement, Kristen Bell has responded to the criticism she received for allowing her children to consume non-alcoholic beer. While appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show last month, Bell revealed that her daughters, Delta and Lincoln, occasionally sip on non-alcoholic beer with their father, Dax Shepard. Despite the fact that Delta and Lincoln are 9 and 10 years old, Bell explained that this practice began when they used to go on family walks together. According to Bell, Shepard, who is a recovering addict, would enjoy a non-alcoholic beer during these outings while holding Delta on his chest, allowing her to occasionally paw at it and even suck on the rim. Bell emphasized that there is no alcohol in these beverages and that they simply represent something special and familial to her children.

However, following these comments, Bell faced significant backlash, prompting both her and Shepard to address the situation on a recent episode of Dax’s Armchair Expert podcast. Shepard acknowledged that people were upset about Bell’s remarks, acknowledging their right to feel that way since they are not the parents of Delta and Lincoln. He continued by pointing out that orange juice actually contains a 0.5% ABV (alcohol by volume), which is more alcohol content compared to non-alcoholic beer like Heineken, which has a 0.0 ABV. Shepard commended Bell for her logical and fact-driven approach but acknowledged that people will find reasons to be angry regardless.

During the podcast, Bell expressed her belief that her comments had been taken out of context. She clarified that if her children have ever tried to order non-alcoholic beverages at a restaurant, it was due to their specific connection to their father. Bell explained that her children are educated about addiction and understand the effects that substances can have on the body. She added that her intention was to share a cute story, but it unfortunately led to misconceptions about her parenting choices.

Despite the backlash, Bell firmly asserted that it is her family’s decision and no one else’s business what they choose to do within the confines of their home. If people have an issue with her allowing her children to drink non-alcoholic beer occasionally, she is not swayed by their opinions and will not change her approach. Bell stated that her family values education about substances and strives to promote awareness and understanding of addiction.

In conclusion, Kristen Bell has responded to the criticism she faced for allowing her children to consume non-alcoholic beer. While acknowledging people’s right to be upset, she maintains that it is her family’s decision and not the concern of others. Instead, Bell emphasizes the importance of education about substances and addiction within their family dynamic. To hear the full conversation, listeners can tune into the latest episode of Dax’s Armchair Expert podcast.


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